Summer staples: Top tips for the very best homegrown salad
As we hit the mid-point in Summer, many gardeners may think that they’ve missed the boat on growing veg – but we’re here to bust that myth! With some of the most consistently warm weeks just ahead of us, mid-July through to August provides the perfect climate for newly planted produce. This month, we’re focusing on our favourite salad items – a staple for any Summer plate!
The base:
Lettuce – all types! July is the ideal time to plant any and all types of lettuce, with showery spells combined with sun creating the perfect growing conditions. From Romaine to Butterhead there is no better time to plant yummy and nutritional greens – and you can very quickly reap the rewards to create the perfect summer salad! Most lettuces reach maturity at around 30 days but can be picked early based on preference.

The toppings:
Now that the base of the salad is sorted with a variety of lettuce, it’s time to tackle the toppings. The middle of summer is the ideal time to plant a variety of veg such as carrots, French and runner beans, peas and beetroot. For those of us who love courgette get out your gardening tools and start planting! Spring onions and radishes are best planted now and can make the ideal salad topping or be the key ingredients in a light, summery stir-fry!

Taking care of your vegetables:
As the weather gets warmer, and the ground gets drier, it’s essential to ensure that your newly planted produce are getting enough water consistently. Using an Irrigatia solar-powered water system takes out the stress of over/under watering all year long to give you an abundant garden.

You could even treat your tomato and pepper crops to a little feed to promote an extra growth spurt – we recommend a high potash plant food at this time of year.
Get to planting your salad bits and don’t forget the dressing and croutons. Bon appetit!